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Friday, April 30, 2010

Dried Beans, Cupcake Tins, a Swimsuit, and an Apron

Field Day!

The kindergarteners and 2nd-graders had Field Day at the same time, so Kensington and I had a Field Day of our own, chasing Raleigh and Madeline's classes around the school to catch some of their events. We ended up seeing them both do the same couple of stations (since we didn't stay the full three-and-a-half hours.) We watched their classes do the Hurdle Race and the Hippity-Hop Race. We were sad to miss out on the water events, which we heard all about later. I'm glad their teachers warned us to send them in to school that day with a change of clothes -- they got WET!

Raleigh with her good friends "Maddy M." and "Ellie"

Raleigh in line behind Ellie to do the Hippity Hop Race

Grabbing a snack with Sue Sue (as she is affectionately known by her sisters ONLY)

Standing in line between Rolando and Rafael, the infamous cousins who like to chase Raleigh and her friend at the playground

Showing off Little Sister

Madeline racing on the "hurdles"

Team Spirit

Mrs. Kim's Kool Kindergarten Klass
(Madeline is standing next to one of her best friends, Kaedin, who is on the right in the baseball hat.)

And lastly . . .

Dallas came home from work tonight, walked out into the living room and asked, "Who is that sleeping in the hall?"

It was Miss Middle Critter!

Catching a little snooze . . .

. . . after a little sleepwalk.


When Rikki was last in town, Choobs and I went down to my parents' house to stay overnight. It was a wonderful time of girliness (and a great little getaway.) Before Choobers' bedtime, I put on her "sheepy" pajamas, and she looked like a little Cinderella in her cleaning-dress. Kenda finished her get-up with a napkin tied on her head, and then she really looked like a "printheth"-- she was scrumptious!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Daddy Daughter Dance

Dallas took the girls to their first Daddy Daughter Dance the other night at church. Good thing we have lots of dance parties at home to prevent any wall flowerage! They danced the night away, ate lots of sugary treats, and came home with glow bands and dirty black feet. And we sat around the living room talking about all the fun things they did.

Choobers and I went on a date, too. (She put her favorite princess dress on over her pajamas so that she could be in the pictures with Dallas and the girls.) We went to the Chick-Fil-A drive-thru and got a milkshake, and then we went to run some errands. She couldn't have been more excited! I've never seen her so talkative. She loved her Shake Milk, and she woke up the next morning asking for one.

In other news, the same girl sitting next to Raleigh at lunch threw up two days in a row right next to her! What are the odds of that happening? Raleigh was so grossed out and now tries to stay away from her at lunchtime. Poor kids! (Both of them!)

Monday, April 19, 2010

For Your Viewing Pleasure

I was reminiscing about our Ugly Dance Party this time last year, and thought I'd share this little gem-of-a-piece from about a month ago when Rikki and Kevin were visiting. I think our talent traces back through the Purdy line for sure!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Don't Worry; We've Got 'Cha Covered

It's 9:07 a.m., and dinner is served!! Choobs and I are on a roll!

Just get out your Crock Pot, preheat your oven to 375 degrees, and follow these recipes:
Chicken Tortilla Soup recipe here. Just put in 4-5 frozen chicken breasts. No advance work necessary.

Grandmother's Buttermilk Cornbread here. (In this picture it's still cooking. It will raise beautifully and melt in your mouth! Don't forget your butter and honey . . .)

After you've put everything in the Crockpot and put the cornbread in the oven, wash and chop some romaine, and place it in the fridge over a paper towel or two. Now all you have to do before serving is chop some fresh bell peppers and tomatoes, toss in some feta or grated parmesan, add some olives, sunflower seeds, fresh broccoli, and Italian dressing, and you've got dinner! Oh, and you'll need strawberries and red grapes on the side.

Thank you, Georgia, for the summertime weather. I am loving this!