I have a friend who told me about a war she and her sister were having in giving each other's kids the most-annoying-gifts possible: toys with repetitive noises, really boring board games, etc. I think this is so funny!
So it was when another friend told me about the tadpoles she was trying to give away that I thought we should FOR SURE take some to give to our cousins, who we'd be seeing in just a few days. Perfect gift!
I brought some tadpoles home in a cup, and then next day while the older girls were at swim team practice, Emery and I went down to the creek and collected some swamp water to keep the froggies alive! We even went so far as boiling lettuce for them to eat. Then we made these fun little water bottles at the last minute before leaving on our drive to Kentucky.
We pampered those babies the whole way. Then when we got back to the hotel later that night, we got out our presents . . .
Bullfrog Babies |
. . . and ran down to the hall to where Bart and Meridith were staying to drop off our surprise (and run and hide around the corner). It made a great memory for us.
But we've never heard what happened after they took them home . . .