Oh my goodness. Sometimes we are so crazy, Dallas and me and the girls.
We get w-a-y into things.
Tomorrow Madeline runs for Student Council. Again.
And it's the same every year:
We hear about it a couple of days before the poster, flyers, and speeches are due (and of course, it's optional), and we throw around ideas at the dinner table until the a-ha moment arrives . . .
and then we stay up until after-hours going overboard.
Tonight has been no exception.
Here is our a-ha moment earlier today:
Yes, just the thing to persuade every kid in your class to vote in your favor!
A couple of days ago Madeline made sketches of poster ideas. She drew herself in a princess dress as the centerpiece. I know it's bad parenting, but I don't always remember good parenting . . .
I shot her princess idea down to the ground and kicked it to the curb. Boys would never vote for a girl with a princess on her poster, so that rules out at least half of the votes. A little fifth grade strategy never hurt anyone. But mustaches, ah, yes! Boys will vote for mustaches, which is maybe why Dallas jumped on board with this idea and has been helping Madeline since 6:30 p.m. this evening.
They took a trip to the Dollar Store and got to work.

And then I helped out a bit, and then we traded off with each other . . .
And Madeline's cute little hands stayed busy as well.
I told Madeline to preface her speech with, "I'd now like to share the speech my dad wrote for me as well as the poster my mom made last night." Ha! But really, we all worked together, and we are all so crazy.
It's hard to be so artsy sometimes.
The hours are terrible.
The Speech:
Uh oh. Now that I am reading the speech, I realize that we forgot the whole part explaining about "what you see is what you get," you know, sharing all of her GREAT qualities. Sigh.
Notice the part that says, "hair-dues." Madeline wanted to spell it that way so that she wouldn't say, "hair-dos," accidentally. Ha ha!
In happier news, here's how she'll look tomorrow at speech-time:
Can it get any cuter?? Her daddy made her poster for her . . . He's a cute one too!
Vote Madeline!!