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Monday, May 26, 2008

Two Little Buddies

Madeline and Jensen have had a lot of fun playing together lately. They do the cutest things and get along so well. The other day Madeline dressed up in her bride costume and came into the room where they had been playing. Jensen looked at her and said, "Is that a WEDDING DRESS?!" Then he said, "Well, I guess I better go upstairs and put on my suit!" They both graduated from preschool this past week, too. They played "Husband and Wife" at our house the other day, and I heard things like, " The mail's here, honey" (from Jensen), and while taking a little "family" photo, he also said to Madeline, "Hold the baby up, she knows how to STAND!" They compromised very well. We're glad to have such good friends for the girls to play with.
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1 comment:

  1. That is so cute! It is funny to hear what the kids pick up from their parents. Drew surprises me all of the time! I looked at all of your new posts and I cant tell you enough how cute your girls are! We need to get together soon! (our blog just in case: )
