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Saturday, February 28, 2009
Rikki, the Czar of the Car(wash)
I'd like to state right here, right now, that I LOVE Rikki's new job! She is the sweet lil' service bug who vacuumed the inside of our rather unclean car down at the car wash today and put some shine on our dirty dash! And she even scrubbed our tires! We are loving our SWEET new ride. And our SWEET Rikki.
Does anyone want to lose 15 lbs with me by April 15th? Six weeks, count 'em, six weeks. It would've been "10 lbs by the 15th," but I've put on a few lately. I would give my excuses (and believe me, they are valid), but this is my YEAR OF NO EXCUSES! Do you like that? It's the year I turn 30!!!
I've been dreading it ever since I was about eleven or twelve years old when Andi Houghtaling was telling me that turning 30 was the worst because "you're just as close to 15 as you are to 45." I thought that was so profound. Almost as profound as the time she told me, "Everybody picks their nose." I was floored.
Anyway, part of my YEAR OF NO EXCUSES is to weigh a certain secret number by the time I am 30. Now, my birthday is NOT on the 15th of April, but it is very close. And "15 lbs by April 15th" is just so catchy. Anyone in??
I am counting my calories on on the Daily Plate tab. It is SO user friendly, and kind of fun. I also like the feature where you can track your workouts, too. But while LiveStrong is counting my calories, I just need a little motivation. And . . . what to eat for lunch? That's my worst meal of the day because I'm not so in to sandwiches lately, (or meat prep. No, I am not pregnant, and if I was, I wouldn't make the first announcement here), and I have not been cooking so much lately so I don't have many leftovers. WHOOPS! Did that sound like an excuse??
Maybe I should just skip lunch. That'll cut calories! Anyone in?
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
We Go to Stores for Fun Sometimes
The sisters wandering through Cabela's to see the "aminals." I think Choobs is so lucky to have TWO older sisters! I always wanted at least ONE.
Raleigh commented, "If I was going to be an aminal, I wouldn't want to be the half-kind," pointing to the mounted trophies on the walls. Yeah, I bet those guys don't like being the half kind either.
I like Cabela's better than the zoo, I think. Yeah, I'm pretty positive. Not a big fan of the zoo. I can make myself have fun at the zoo, but it's not natural - if you've seen me at the zoo having fun, I am probably bluffing. But if you've seen me at Cabela's having fun, it's because I am. If this video would ever finish loading, I would stop rambling.
Here is Kensington enjoying the fish in the stream. She is such an animal-lover - that's why we went to Cabela's in the first place. Her reactions are priceless! She was cute in this video, but the best is when we are in the grocery store and walk past the giant swordfish hanging over the seafood section. (Which, by the way, is the only time you will see me purposely walk past the seafood section.) She is in love with that swordfish, screaming and pointing at it the moment it comes into view.
Okay, here is another random thought while I am waiting for my video to load. (I could be here all night.) I've been a little grossed out by meat lately. It kind of comes and goes for me; I'll go through phases of vowing to become a vegetarian, but then we'll drive by a burger joint and my mouth will start watering. But the whole meat-prep thing really gets to me.
Whenever I buy meat, I come home and freeze it as fast as I can; I do much better with frozen meat. Sorry, I hope this isn't too gross. But do you ever get grossed out by eating a ham sandwich? I can barely stomach it sometimes! Wow. Be glad my video just popped up because this paragraph was about to get really nauseating. But this is the final question: do you ever see a cow, chicken, or pig, and say, "Wow! I am hungry!"? Sick, huh? And how, exactly, did I get on this subject?
No, we did not get hungry at Cabela's.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
A Poem about Blueberries
No more bloobers
For the Choobers!
Her diaper did turn black.
When Mama took
It off her bum
She had a heart attack!
So rub-a-dub
Into the tub
To soak and suds and bathe her.
She cannot talk
But if she did
My Choobers would say, "Thank you!"
One of the funnest times I've had so far this year was spending a day with my BFF-LYLAS-friend "JT Tolsma" Saville!! She was in town for her brother-in-law's wedding, so we got to spend some time together. It was just like old times when I met her down at the Park 'n Ride and picked her up. Only this time it wasn't on a golf cart or in the old Blue Beast (what was that car called, anyway??)
I was sans-kiddos/spouse, and she was sans-husband, so we had a crazy good time! "Crazy" because when the two of us are together, we get pretty crazy, and "good time" because it we got to hang out and do a bunch of nothing together!
Here is the only video or picture I have of the whole event - it is her son Tyler "hiding" from us. My favorite part (besides cute Tyler) is the look on the guy's face sitting behind Tyler. Those are the kind of looks that Jenny and I have gotten our whole lives of knowing each other and being together. Pretty classic.
Two Little Elves at Work
These are some pictures of our little Madeline and her BFF Jensen doing a little sewing together. I drew simple shapes on pieces of paper, unthreaded the machine, and taught them how to use the presser foot, manual turny-thingy, and the reverse button. This is how my mom taught me when I was young. They used the low gear to prevent possible (probable) finger-injuries. Madeline was thrilled to show off her new skills to whoever came to our door!
I love the look of concentration on both of their faces!
Madeline is pretty much in love with Jensen, can you tell??
Cute kids.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Valentine's Day at Our House
I have been a bit under the weather (hence, a lack of blogging), but I didn't let it stop me from creating some Valentine's LOVE at our house. This is what Dallas found in the freezer after work on Friday night:

We celebrated at dinner together and enjoyed heart-shaped pizza and little treats on our plates:
We got a kick out of watching Kensington eye all of the sweet stuff on her plate, dig in, and then fade into a sugar-induced-zombie-state:

Then there was sweet Raleigh who enjoyed her treats and brand new clip-on earrings. (She's modeling them here.) And she made this for us at school:

Dallas induced ME into a sugar-induced-zombie-state with Lindt White Chocolate Truffles and roses. I didn't eat the flowers, but the chocolate, on the other hand, is to die for. Happy Valentine's Day to all! We send our love.
Friday, February 13, 2009
I don't know what to say about this CHEESY photo from last summer except that it comes from a result of being tagged.
Go to your pictures.
Go to your pictures.
Pull up the 6th file.
Find the 6th picture.
Post it.
Blog about it.
Tag 6 people.
I tag: Jay TEE, Becky Bergquist (he he), Trina, Amanda, Lindsey, and Shayla!
(Don't you love/hate these things?)
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Choobers' Sweet Moves
This is kind of a long video, but if I had taped this in its entirety, it would've been twenty minutes. (Pardon the sermon going on in the background- we were home sick from church, watching the BYU channel.) If you can make it through the whole video, you can see some pretty sweet under-the-leg moves. Maybe she's going to be into basketball???
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