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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Out of the Mouth of Babes

Dallas made a list recently of positive affirmative statements to hang up in our room and read to himself everyday in the hopes of becoming the person he tells himself he is. For example:

"I am a kind, excited, loving, and fun husband and father."

He's already got that one down.

Raleigh wondered what he was doing, and he explained it to her. She sort of understood it; a little bit later she came in with her own list for him, and here is what she wrote:

1. I live in a free contry.
2. I am a son of God.
3. I have the gosple in my life.
4. Meny blesings come apon me.
5. I have enogh monny for my family.
6. I have so meny talints.
7. I have family close by.
8. I have a house to live in.
9. I have food to eat.
10. I have an erly shift at work.
11. My family is cind.
12. My family has meny talints.
13. There is no wor in my land.
14. Jesuse loves me so much he sent his son.

And another one she wrote the next day for him:

1. I got to go to school.
2. I lived in hevin.
3. I have the presthod in my life.
4. I am a happy cherfl person.
5. God sent me to erth.
6. Jesuse utond for my sins.
7. I will go back to hevn.

Now is that precious or what? They are posted on the wall right next to his list and are a good reminder of what we have to be grateful for.

Yesterday we were in Peachtree City at my parent's house, and as my dad walked down the hall past Raleigh carrying a couple of guns to go shooting with Dallas, she said to the rest of us, "Man! He's got some powerful guns!"

Later we were all lounging on the couch, and I asked the girls, "Are you going to take care of me when I get old?" And Raleigh said, "I'm not going to apply for that job!" (But Madeline said she would take care of me.)


  1. Wow, Dionne! Raleigh is something else. Goes to show how many blessings you DO have in your life, and how great you both are as parents to have a 7 year old be saying such great things. I miss you and your family!

  2. Dionne....that little girl is amazing. What a testament to your parenting skills. I need to take more time to teach my children to be thankful for these things.

  3. Keep that list and put it in her journal! That is amazing! Way to go Raleigh! And way to go Raleigh's parents. They must be doing something right!:)

  4. Okay, now don't start applauding the parents because we've got a long way to go! But I think the upcoming generation is something special ...

  5. Oh, and I want Raleigh's hair!

  6. I agree with all these posts but have to tell you Dionne, that you and Dallas are great parents! We pray for our children to raise righteous children and it's evident that you're doing an awesome job! And I want Raleigh's hair too...or Madeline's!

  7. Okay... If that is not the most precious testimony I have ever heard. What a beautiful thing to be so young and have so much faith already.

    We missed you all at omelets this year. My girls kept asking when "our cute cousins" would be there.
    love you.

  8. Oh my gosh, that sweet list brought tears! and I am in love with the entire rolly-backpack situation:) SO CUTE!
