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Friday, November 12, 2010

The Ar-TISTE (French Accent)

It was a regular, rainy day, and Miss Kensington-Pie was hard at work making tiny drawings on pieces of scrap paper by the window. She was also playing with a tiny matchbox car.

So I drew her two tiny pictures of a prince and a princess, folded them at the waist, and put them in the car as passengers.

A few minutes later, I saw this:
Her own version of my princess. (Don't get confused - hers is on the left!) I cut it out for her. And then when she was finished playing with it, I kept it! Can you believe this girl?!

She's our little artist!


  1. What a talented cutie!! Love the hat!

  2. I just had to stop by to say HI! I love checking in on your blog- just got caught up a couple of days ago-- congrats on your newest little addition! so exciting- can't believe you have FOUR little girls! And what BEAUTIFUL little girls they all are! I can't believe how big they are. I love that picture of Raleigh doing her homework upside down-, they are so lucky to have you as their mama. hope you guys are doing well! miss our good ole Stanford Place days! Sending you a hug.

  3. That's awesome! (I am saying this with a french accent) She shall be talented like her Ma Ma!
