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Friday, December 3, 2010

The Golden Chain

His adoring fans came by the van-load . . .

And braved the 60 degree weather . . .

To witness the record-breaking win . . .

By this champion in the yellow jersey!!!

The competition was tough, and we are proud of you, Dal!

Some of the local guys get together each month for a little bit of competitive exercise. Dallas placed first in this month's duathlon (Run 1.5 miles, Bike 15 miles, Run 1.5 miles) and beat the record with his time: one hour and thirteen minutes. He didn't even get lost this time!

"My dad's awesome!"

In usual Raleigh-style, we held a second duathlon at home later that afternoon with Raleigh and Kensington as the sole competitors. The odds were undeniably in Raleigh's favor (hee hee), especially with the route she conceived: 3 lap run, 8 lap bike, 5 lap run, 1 lap bike, 11 lap run, 4 lap bike, 6 lap run, 5 lap bike, and on and on and on.

Raleigh took the lead . . .

Leaving those with training wheels in the dust.

Choobies geared up on her pink and purple birthday bike with a big tulle bow,

And pedaled close behind. Well, not too close.

She loved the cheering crowd!

Just look at the endurance!

Little cutie! (Notice the bike part she rigged to the front of her handlebars to make herself feel tough for the ride.)

Raleigh takes her laps seriously,

But leads her "Little Sis" in for a big finish. (They ran/biked about 85 laps less than they had planned but still had a great race!)

Here are our first and second place winners! (With their "Candy Chains" just like Daddy's Golden Chain. Love it.)

Madeline was forced by Raleigh to hold up her three fingers because she didn't want to participate but still wanted a Candy Chain. Let's just say she got third. She helped out in the cheering section.

Until next month, Dal . . .

We'll be there to cheer you on . . .

Love you!


  1. What troopers all of you are! It looks like everyone had great fun getting a little exercise. Congratulations to everyone!

  2. Wow, I would like to "brave" the 60 degree weather too! :) It looks like you all had fun!

  3. Impressive, Dallas! Way to win the Golden Chain!

  4. Way to GO Dallas!! Did you beat Mike again??!! And I LOVE the chain!

  5. Nice time! So are you going to do a triathlon next? That's an awesome tradition and a super sweet chain. I'm seriously trying to think how I can get something like that going here.

  6. Dallas your awesome! Good job!
