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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ugly-Awesome Christmas Trinket Tie

A few weeks ago in the foyer at church, I overheard a friend's dad say to another guy, "You're so conservative!"

He was referring to the other guy's festive tie. And then I took a look at his! It was what I call "ugly-awesome," an adjective reserved for only the ugly-awesome, meaning it is so ugly that I love it. And ever since then, I have been waiting excitedly for an after-Christmas bauble-buying fest!

Here's the loot:
I tried to find some larger, flat ornaments to fill in big spaces, as well as some smaller filler items. These were all 75% off at JoAnn, and most were 60 cents or less.

First, I had Dallas put on an old red tie I decided to use so that I could measure how much space I had to work with. Luckily, Dallas already owned an old red tie, AND he didn't care if I glued things all over it, AND he even said he would wear it next year, (AND I hadn't even made it yet when he said that)! Then I laid out the larger pieces and began hot gluing.

Here are the larger pieces ready for adhesion.

Then I filled in all of the spaces with little doo-dads. Funny enough, I think it's missing something still. Maybe something white here and there? This tie may evolve between now and next Christmas.

"You're so conservative . . . "


  1. Can't wait to see the finished product--do you think I should make Nate one? PS, I'm glad everyone's feeling better!

  2. Totally awesome ugly D.P.!!! I have a friend that makes one for her husband for every Father's Day- glues pictures of her kids on it even and does a different theme every year!
