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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam

I came into the bedroom where Miss Choobies was playing with her Barbies inside the crib. She had set them up all around the walls of the crib.

Then I saw this Barbie in distress on the floor of the closet (in her otherwise clean room):

"Why is this Barbie over here, Choobs? Do you want to play with her?" I wondered.

"NO! I throwed her over there!" (which actually sounds like, "No! I frowed her over dare!")

"Okay. Do you want her back?" I asked.

"NO! The Barbies throwed her out of the city!" she said, impatiently.

"Why did they throw her out of the city?" I wondered again.

"Because they were WICKED!" she shouted.

The previous day on the way home from church, we asked the girls about what they had learned in their Primary classes. Choobs' response was, "Nemo throwed up on those guys." We couldn't figure out what she was talking about, but she kept repeating the same story. Turns out their lesson was about Jonah and the whale.

I'm so happy we're learning so much at church! (And glad Choobies has learned how to apply these lessons to her life!)


  1. ha ha ha. . . .Your children are just so smart and adorable (which you already know)!

  2. I just love this. What a smart little one. I hope to see you guys soon. I need a good dose of Dallas and Dionne.

    Love you,

