In the movie "Anne of Green Gables" there is a part where Anne (with an "E") asks Matthew which is better: to be beautiful, smart, or (what is it? "dazzlingly") clever.
I pick clever.
And that's what this one is:
I have thought many times about devoting a blog just to the creative mind of this-here girl. (And how did she get so big??? She's doing homework after ballet on the kitchen floor. Familiar anyone?) She leaves her mark wherever she goes. She is constantly writing songs, plays, and little-diddies. She plays music and makes up dances. But more often than that, she is making "sign-up sheets" for who-knows-what. It depends on the day. Each day after school, she needs to come home and unload her creative energy by herself. She is very productive in a short amount of time. It is amazing. And she is always "decorating" something.
Mom, does this sound familiar?
Let's name the blog Planet Krogsworth: The World of a Gifted Child. She is seriously on her own planet sometimes. In a good way.
I was having a hard time looking up and down from my recipe recently, and here is what she invented for me in a matter of minutes:
It was seriously so helpful!
These next four are from a family newspaper she created without stopping to think.
A picture she made:
A design for an iMac desktop setup
One of the many clubs you can join if you live at our house :)
She cracked me up with this one when I was trying to get the girls to quit complaining and just do their chores:
Note how many "Acts" Dallas and I sat through (Each LINE was an act):
We just love this girl!