This is how we turned a little hellion to our little "heelion".
Parenting Tip #1 at our house is this:
That's it. Presentation.
In a house full of artists and designers and crafters, we recognize this as our #1 need, and our children need it just as much as the parents.
If you can't figure out what to do to motivate a kid after an hour-long temper tantrum with all kinds of threats and consequences, etc., just pull out your highest, wildest heels . . .
(breath deeply . . . )
and watch those teary-eyes become a little more sparkly
and that frowny, sulking face
begin smiling.
Because she sure feels happier to help when she feels cute.
It's magic.
And I'm being totally serious.
I wish I knew the heel trick a LONG time ago.
(It works best on Madeline.)
too bad that trick wouldn't work on boys!