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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Ah, Motherhood.

Sweet, Sweet Kensington, with your tender spirit, contagious smiles, and constant sunshine,
Madeline, with your gift of laughter, intensity of life, and charm,
And Raleigh, with your incredible sensitivity, quiet thoughtfulness, and giving spirit,
you have given me the gift of motherhood. And I love you for it.
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  1. I cannot get over how darling your little girls are! You are so lucky and blessed! They all so different looking, yet alike! You guys are such great parents and looks like you have done such a good job rearing smart, beautiful girls!

  2. What a fun insight on each one of your girls.

  3. Your girls are so beautiful! I loved the wedding pics. So, did you hear that we're not coming to Utah now. We need to catch up soon! Love ya!

  4. We love all the beautiful pictures.
