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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Where Were You When . . . ?

So Michael Jackson died today.  So random.  It reminds me of other "Where were you when ____?" questions.

For example . . .

Where you when the Challenger blew up?  I was at elementary school in Florida out on the playground when we saw a huge cloud of explosion in the sky, miles and miles away from where it occurred.  I was trying to figure out why all of the teachers were crying and why my mom was crying when we got home.

Where were you when you found out that Magic Johnson was HIV-positive?  I was at EFY in Atlanta at Emory University with my friend Courtney, and we heard it on the radio while we were unpacking our things.  It was Magic Johnson, wasn't it?

Where were you when you found out that your aunt Trina doesn't like tomatoes?  In Utah in Kaysville in the kitchen of Nana and Grandpa's house.  And that she doesn't like cilantro?  At On the Border in PTC, Georgia.  And when you remembered all of that again, years later?  At Del Taco in North Salt Lake.  So random.

Where were you when you found out your beloved Nana had passed away?  Sitting in an office in Provo, Utah.  Luckily I was alone so I could cry uninterrupted.  I remember asking my dad on the phone, "Are they sure?  Are they sure she died?"  It was so surreal.  Just as surreal as when my Grandpa Jerry died years earlier - my first experience with a family member dying.  It felt so weird and wrong.  Thank goodness for the Resurrection, which makes everything right.

Where were you when you first heard about 911?  On my way to work at Hill, Johnson, & Schmutz in Provo, Utah.  I arrived to work at the same time as another attorney, and we went inside together to pull up the news.  It was a very weird day.  I had been married for just a few months and had the shocking realization that the world still turns even in newlywed-land and was worried Dallas might have to go fight in a war.

Where were you when you first realized you would be a mother/father?  Dallas was in the upstairs of our apartment in Provo, Utah.  I had been suspicious of the fact and taken a pregnancy test while he was off working on a school project.  I bought a little binky at the store, wrapped it like a present, and made the label out to "Dad."  When he came home, I nervously waited for him to see it.  When he did, he laid on the bed without saying a word for about 15 minutes.  I didn't know whether to laugh or cry!


Where were you??

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

General Boredom

When Miss Nancy and the Honda were taking turns being fixed, we girls had to find some things to do at home to cure the general boredom we were feeling.  Madeline and Kensington did a yoga video:

Madeline made a little paper creation.  This took hours.  And a little help from me.  And then I made her put it in her room instead of out in the kitchen.  And then Choobs got into it.  And then it ended up in the trash.

Kensington looking at her long-lost friends . . . sniffle . . .

Madeline decided that she wants to wear this to prom someday because it is "the most beautifulest dress ever," and she is going to "wear a shirt under it."

Here's a picture of Dallas and the girls on Father's Day:
It's the classic not-so-great-picture.  Dallas is wearing the M&M bowtie(s) that the girls gave to him after Primary.  Madeline hit her face on something right before this picture and didn't recover in time to give a smile.  Raleigh is chewing on the gumball she got after church from the bishop's office.  

Since I thought Father's Day was two Sundays ago, we celebrated it twice.  (But that's how much we love Dallas!!)  So last Sunday we showered him with homemade art projects, cards, and candy, and we made a big dinner and then went to East Beach.  This past Sunday, we made cupcake hamburgers.  They were ideally supposed to look like this, but this is how they turned out:


Dallas had a little surprise for us, too: Ben & Jerry's ice cream for each of us.  I think this was Choobs' first Ben & Jerry's.  She loved it!

This is Kensington doing the sign for "cold":

Madeline and I take a picture of each other:
Raleigh and I take a picture of each other:

Today we clipped coupons together.  I have never been a big "coupon"-er, but I think I will start trying to be since grocery stores here have double-coupon days.  Could this post get any more boring?  That's what I'm talking about - general boredom.  I mean, I'm posting about clipping coupons!!  It was actually really fun, though, because the girls did this with me for TWO HOURS while Kensington was sleeping, and they made newspapers out of all of their pictures.  It was very cute.

Last, but not least, here is Kensington saying, "CHEESE!"  She always squints her eyes now if you take her picture.  Tonight, because of a lack of clean pajamas, Dallas dressed her in her Japanese kimono shirt and bloomers.  She loved it and had to show e-v-e-r-y-body.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Dads and Fathers

There are fathers - providers, protectors, well-respected, and honored.  And there are dads - playful, easygoing, caring, and warm.  I've been lucky to have both a father AND a dad - the best of both worlds.  The longer I live, the more I realize how COOL my parents are (and were).

The earliest memory I have of my dad is riding on the back of his motorcycle with him when we lived in Utah (and realizing he was man enough to not only give me a good ride, but also to not go too fast if I was scared.)  I was about four years old. 

And the next memories I have are of playing baseball with him in Florida, both at the ball field and in our backyard at home.  I remember practicing over and over to learn how to catch a pop fly.  I was too scared and didn't want to watch the ball coming at my face, and he taught me how to keep my eyes open and on the ball.  And I remember when I finally started catching well!  We got so excited together.

One time when we lived in Florida, we were taking one of our signature family bike rides around the block.  My dad was popping wheelies on his ten-speed with Jess riding in the infant seat on the back.  Many of you know what happened . . . maybe that's why Jess is the way he is!!  (Just kidding, Jess.  But I remember the neighbors said they could hear your crying from the other side of the block!)

My parents were cool enough to work hard AND play hard.  Depending on what frame of mind I am in, I either remember our family ALWAYS working, or ALWAYS playing.  When we were ALWAYS working, my dad was there as Commander-in-Chief:  

We were picking up rocks on our new property in Georgia.  One hundred at a time.  While whining about the heat and how all of our friends got to play and we didn't.  

We were working to put in our yard, or build swing sets (my dad built one at every house we've lived in) and gardens.  We were constantly weeding, mowing, watering, mulching, picking up branches, digging, and sweating.  And if we weren't outside working with my dad, we were inside working with my mom!

We planted 1,000 pine trees from little seedlings around the perimeter of our second house in Georgia.  Do you know how LONG that took??  And then we had to water them - a bucket of water for each tree, if I remember correctly, which we would fill up at the shop door at the back of the house, drive it over to the trees on the back of the golf cart, and repeat 999 times.  I must admit that I probably only repeated it 333 times and used one bucket of water per THREE trees.  Terrible, I know.  But most of our Saturdays and summer mornings were spent working in the yard half the day (or so it seemed).

When we were PLAYING, my dad was right there in the action, too.  Maybe that's why I have such fun brothers - I think they got it from him.  He is an absolute GOOF!  Anyone who knows him well knows that he is ALWAYS joking.  But his sense of humor can be hard to catch onto if you don't know him (or any other Purdy's) very well.  But when you catch on, he is so much fun!  He always makes me laugh, and it is HILARIOUS to make HIM laugh hard.

We spent our playtime at the ballpark, in our backyard, at the lake, and having LOTS and LOTS of BIG parties at our house.  My parents seemed to always be inviting people over for parties and dessert.  It made our house seem like the "fun" house, despite all of the "drudgery!"  And they would let us invite over 20 friends at a time if we wanted to.  I have so many memories of a packed basement and dance parties or a full yard of night games.  Aren't they cool parents??

Our best times were spent at the lake after long weeks of hard work.  Hours and hours of learning and mastering water sports!  My dad says that the best "investment" he made was on a boat.  He loved to see us having fun together and encouraging each other in learning how to do our tricks on the water.

When we would take family trips, my dad was the kind who liked to stop and see everything AT or ON THE WAY to our destination.  Our trips were laid-back and never hurried.  Whenever we stopped to get gas, we would all follow him into the store for candy and a drink!  And we'd eat at restaurants - not out of a cooler!  It was the best.

I think one of the best gifts my parents have given me is that of a FULL CHILDHOOD that I look back upon with fondness and gratitude.  One of my dad's biggest goals was to make memories for his children.  I think he exceeded that goal.  His old adage was "don't be afraid to try new and different things," and all of us kids are better for it.  

All of my pictures of me and my dad together are packed away in storage, but here are some of him with the grandkids:
Cousins Kaiya and Raleigh tackle "Captain Bo Bo" or "Grandpa Bear," as they call him.
Kensington gets a riding lesson.
Madeline gets a squeeze.

One of my most lasting memories with my dad is of our "walks" together.  Every Sunday we would take a walk as a family down to the end of the street and back.  We still do this when we get together.  When we get to the end of the street, we have to touch the mailbox there before returning back.

When I was a junior in high school and had mono for EVER (like over a year), my dad was worried about my health.  So we went on walks together.  First I could only make it to the end of OUR driveway and back.  Then it was to the end of our OTHER driveway.  Then halfway down the road, and then further and further.  It took many weeks and months, but I knew in those walks that my dad loved me.  No matter what was going on in my life, I had a protective father and caring dad.

On one particular walk, after a difficult breakup with a certain boyfriend, he gave me some counsel that I still remember to this day.  He never wanted to give his opinion or advice too readily, fearing that he was imposing on my opportunity to make my own choices, but at that young age, I really just wanted to know what he thought.  I still do.

I love you, Dad, and hope you have a wonderful Father's Day!  From your little grown-up girl!

Here's the last walk we took in Georgia two months ago.  Our family has grown, and there were lots of people missing (like Nate, April, Calvin, Jess, Dannii, Kevin, and Rikki.)

Don't the three of them look tough??  I think so.  David, is that a mowhawk in your hair?  Oh yeah, it is!  Slightly crooked as I remember!
Had to throw this picture in.  Madeline and Choobs go fishing with their dad, my dad, and their cousin Dade.  Still making memories . . .

Friday, June 19, 2009

Nothing Like a Big Bum

A precious chapter in my life's history has ended today as summer officially began: these two memorable months of my one-on-one time with Madeline.  She really missed her preschool in Utah and all of her friends there, but I am glad that we didn't enroll her in preschool here, if only for the good memories she has of her preschool back in Utah.  (And because of the extra-special time we've spent together.)
Here she is on her last day of school (before we moved) with her teacher Mrs. Kathy Thomas.  It was the Friday before Easter, and they had a little Easter party, complete with an egg hunt and the bunny hop.  Madeline had this look of happy/sad on her face that's hard to explain.

We enrolled Madeline a little bit after the school year had already started, and Mrs. Kathy was unsure if they would have had room for her in the class.  Well, they made room for her, and Mrs. Kathy told me a few weeks later, "It turns out that Madeline is fitting in so nicely into our classroom.  She is such a joy to have in our class.  She is so well-adjusted."  And she said that Madeline was a "model student" that any teacher would be glad to have in their class because they teach the other kids how to act by their example.  You can tell this made me very proud!
Here's Madeline with Mrs. Keri.  She sure loves her teachers!  Too bad Mrs. Kim wasn't there when we were taking pictures.  Madeline's sad little bunny face is a heartbreaker!  It was a hard last-day for her.
Madeline is sitting next to her good friends Brianna Smith and Parker.  Parker had a little crush on Madeline this year.  I can't remember if I've written about it.  But his mom told me that he said, "Mom, sometimes I think she's so cute that I just want to kiss her!"  Parker moved away, too, to Washington.
Here's the other half of the class.

Since she's been back at home with me, I've felt like I had my little girl back!  I will be sad to see her go in the fall!  She helps me all morning, and we run errands together and play together and just talk.  She seems to be very mature for her age - she likes to talk about life a lot and why things are the way they are.  She is in constant observation of other people and seems like she'll be deeply grounded as she grows up.  She often wants to know "why" followed by a good discussion.  You've gotta watch yourself in front of her because she is constantly making an assessment.  She remembers EVERYTHING - not just good vs. bad, but what people were wearing, what people said, what people did . . . and she doesn't just remember things trivially, she is forming opinions and drawing conclusions.  And she remembers things from when she was THREE.  It's amazing.  It's a gift, actually.

She was looking out the window a couple of weeks ago and was like, "LOOK MOM!!  A GAZEBO!" as she pointed to a white limo rolling out of the parking lot.  It was cute.  I like this picture of the two girls together.  Madeline told me that she likes it a lot because her foot is off the ground.

Several weeks ago, she let us in on a little secret of hers that I should document for posterity.  She was in her bedroom feeling conscious of her Purdy-posterior, or shall I call it her Big Bum??  (She's FIVE!  How can she know yet if she has the genes for a heavy-duty derriere??)  Well now you all know she is a thinker, and this is what she was thinking about.  But then she shrugged to herself and said, "Nothing like a big bum!"

Oh, man, we got such a kick out of that one.  Oftentimes, I'll say that phrase ("Nothing like a _______") to lighten the mood or enjoy life.  For example, "There's nothing like a good thunderstorm," or "Nothing like a clean house," or "Nothing like fresh laundry," etc.  So I thought Madeline's version was hysterical!  Now we use it in other ways.  Kensington needs a diaper change: "Nothing like a big bum!"  Can't squeeze past someone?  "Nothing like a big bum!"  

Try it.  You'll like it.

Cuz there's nothing like a big bum.

And I'll miss you, Madeline.

Mormon Messages

I enjoyed these two videos on YouTube tonight. Thought I'd share:

Don't you just miss President Hinckley? I just love that man!

Okay, here's one more. It made me cry:

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Miss Nancy Continued

Remember this fun post??  Ahh, yes.  Well, Miss Nancy has been back in the shop to get her brakes fixed (please remember her in your prayers.)  And we (and the entire crew at Big Al's Muffler and Brakes) had a good laugh about this conversation:

Car Guy calls Dallas: "We've looked at your van, and blah blah blah . . ."
Dallas: "Okay, blah blah blah . . ."
Car Guy: "And we think you should get a patent on that thing you've got on your windshield wiper."
Dallas:  Hilarious burst of uncontrollable laughter.  (I was there.  I heard it.)  "Well, my friend . . ." (how do you explain that thing anyway??)
Then I realized that Dallas has been driving around with that thing still on the wipers.  The guys at the shop must've had a good laugh about it.

And today when we went to go pick up the van, the Honda wouldn't start.  We're on the verge of greatness, I tell you!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Comings and Goings

Give your best Oriental-sounding HUH-doe, and you will know how Choobs answers the phone.  Actually, this is what she calls the phone.
Madeline lines up the little people to get "washed."
We got Raleigh a Field Day shirt to help her feel included at her new school, and it ended up getting rained out.  Instead, a group of Marines came and supervised them bouncing around the gym on blow-up toys.
Raleigh showing off her early birthday present from Grammy ballet-style.
Grammy made the skirt and sent the shirt to match.  It matches perfectly with her new brown "mango shoes," as Raleigh likes to call flats.  Anyone remember Raleigh's "tabernacle shoes"?
Ah, truffles.  Kensington tries her first one.  
Raleigh sucks on hers to make it last.
Miss Middle gets a little wound up.

Don't YOU love being held like a baby while you hold your baby?
Choobs does.
Raleigh's lego throne.
Flossing on the throne.
Madeline and Choobers get a little crazy.
Raleigh and Madeline working on their sticker books.  Madeline decided she didn't want her picture taken.
This is one of Kensington's favorite possessions right now.  She call's this book "Abby."  We have to read it before she goes to bed every night.  She turns to the last page and points at all the words she knows, which are: ball, fish, knock-knock (that's a door), book, cookie (for Cookie Monster), and Melmo (for Elmo).  Speaking of Elmo, she calls her diapers "Melmo" because they have a picture of Elmo on the front and back.  When she wants me to change her, she will come up to me and say, "Melmo."  Time for potty training, maybe?  Maybe not.
Raleigh and Naiya.  I brought cupcakes into school for Raleigh's birthday before school gets out because she has a summer birthday.  Naiya is a cutie!
Raleigh enjoys showing off her baby sister to her school friends.
It was "hat day" at school when we came.

This is how Kensington was "ready for church" yesterday.  She wore these glasses down the hall, down the elevator, and out to the car like this.  And her bloomies were really hanging there!  She's a petite little thing.