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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Where Were You When . . . ?

So Michael Jackson died today.  So random.  It reminds me of other "Where were you when ____?" questions.

For example . . .

Where you when the Challenger blew up?  I was at elementary school in Florida out on the playground when we saw a huge cloud of explosion in the sky, miles and miles away from where it occurred.  I was trying to figure out why all of the teachers were crying and why my mom was crying when we got home.

Where were you when you found out that Magic Johnson was HIV-positive?  I was at EFY in Atlanta at Emory University with my friend Courtney, and we heard it on the radio while we were unpacking our things.  It was Magic Johnson, wasn't it?

Where were you when you found out that your aunt Trina doesn't like tomatoes?  In Utah in Kaysville in the kitchen of Nana and Grandpa's house.  And that she doesn't like cilantro?  At On the Border in PTC, Georgia.  And when you remembered all of that again, years later?  At Del Taco in North Salt Lake.  So random.

Where were you when you found out your beloved Nana had passed away?  Sitting in an office in Provo, Utah.  Luckily I was alone so I could cry uninterrupted.  I remember asking my dad on the phone, "Are they sure?  Are they sure she died?"  It was so surreal.  Just as surreal as when my Grandpa Jerry died years earlier - my first experience with a family member dying.  It felt so weird and wrong.  Thank goodness for the Resurrection, which makes everything right.

Where were you when you first heard about 911?  On my way to work at Hill, Johnson, & Schmutz in Provo, Utah.  I arrived to work at the same time as another attorney, and we went inside together to pull up the news.  It was a very weird day.  I had been married for just a few months and had the shocking realization that the world still turns even in newlywed-land and was worried Dallas might have to go fight in a war.

Where were you when you first realized you would be a mother/father?  Dallas was in the upstairs of our apartment in Provo, Utah.  I had been suspicious of the fact and taken a pregnancy test while he was off working on a school project.  I bought a little binky at the store, wrapped it like a present, and made the label out to "Dad."  When he came home, I nervously waited for him to see it.  When he did, he laid on the bed without saying a word for about 15 minutes.  I didn't know whether to laugh or cry!


Where were you??


  1. That made me laugh! I know what you mean though. Some things are just memorable. I think it's funny that finding out I don't like tomatoes or cilantro was memorable. :)

  2. I know where I was when You and Dallas had your first date....

    My wedding. :)

    Miss you guys.

  3. I love to think about things like that. I know where I was the night Dallas told you he Loved you. He waited up for me that night to let me know. I told that story the other day.

    9/11 I slept in and my mom called to let me know. Our cousin Nate was on a mission in New York and he was in the city. That was scary.

    That's a really good post!

  4. This is funny! You are so fun to read!!! when my husband texted me I was on Atlanta doing a party for my business and I even said to will always remember where you were wheb you found out this news. SO TRUE! Nayways, I hope that you got my message about Father's Day. Thank you so much for the invite. We are coming home a little early....John is SO missing us! We would love to have you guys over for dinner next week.

  5. Love this post, it is true, that we remember where and what we were doing at random moments of our lives. You've inspired a post i think:)
