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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Dallas Has a Birthday

Dallas called it "the best birthday he's ever had." Really, it was a blast. No, really, we blasted tons of balloon rockets into the sky (and a couple neighbors' yards.) We ate cheesecake- the best homemade recipe you'll ever taste (but only if you include Dionne's secret step.) We also jumped off the swings in the backyard together, and we even got Great Grandma Matthews to jump, too. The night was chilly and windy, and we were all very hyper and crazy and LOUD. And Dallas had a great birthday!!


  1. It really was a fun time! It makes me laugh to remember those balloons flying everywhere.


  2. Happy Birthday Dallas... makes me want to post that picture of you at that resteraunt in Cali with the paper toilet cover around your neck and the coffee filter on your head... glad to hear this birthday was more dignified. :)

  3. You guys know how to have fun! It certainly does sound like the best birthday ever! Happy Birthday!

  4. diooooonne. when are you going to post pictures of joanna's reception? huh? huh?

  5. by the way, it says kevin, but it's really rikki.

  6. Happy Birthday Dallas! How old? Derick turned 33 on June 20. You guys are getting old! Let's get together soon...
    Miss you

    our link:

  7. I just found out y'all have a blog and was so happy to see all these pictures of your precious family! Love you so much! (And happy much-belated birthday Dallas)!!!
