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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Proposition 8, YES, Proposition 8

Yes, folks, it's time to get political.  I'm not overly opinionated (a little laid-back for my own good sometimes), but I guess it's time to speak up when I am passionate about an issue.  

If you've read our blog recently, you've probably noticed our little widget-guy over there--------> and even if you are not a Californian right now, this issue is a big one for all of us.  I won't tell you what you should think, but it's a good time for all of us to be informed.  Check out these links:  (They're overwhelming in their entirety but good places to get started.)

My friend Leah has an amazing blog where a lot of her posts lately have been devoted to this issue, and she has some well-thought-out opinions.  You've gotta scroll through her blog to see some of her past posts, too.  I was talking with Amanda, another friend of mine who lives in California, about her experiences lately with Prop 8, and she says it's been pretty crazy out there.  I won't go into details, but there are a lot of similarities in CA to what has been going on in Massachusetts, where gay marriage has also been legalized.

Read the links.  It's a hot issue.  But be careful: a lot of the info is pretty sickening.

And here's another one worth paying attention to:  it's a BYU devotional address given by Boyd K. Packer in March of 1992, entitled "The Fountain of Life."  I saw it on tv the other day and was refreshed by the pure doctrine available to us.  It is only available to listen to, though.  (No written transcripts.) 

1 comment:

  1. Info on Gummy Mummies:
    They were actually brownies. I used whipped icing. M&M's for the eyes and the mummy itself was trimmed bubble gum tape. Very cute and a big hit. Although, very time consuming and the gum has to be removed before you can eat them.
