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Blog Picture

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Our First Update Since the Resurrection of the Blog

I think our updates will come in spurts.  There's too much to say, so much we've experienced, and so much to do now to get settled.  Here's a peek at our new place.  This was breakfast this morning overlooking our little downtown Virginia Beach view.  We prefer to sit on a blanket in front of this window than at the kitchen table staring at a wall.  We can see the ocean (sort of) from our window, too.  At least we can see where the land turns into ocean.

Raleigh and Madeline

Here's Raleigh in her new cowgirl getup.  I think her profile is so cute!  She starts school tomorrow . . . it would've been today had registration not taken two hours.  All the better - her ultimate dream is coming true; she gets to ride the bus!  Even though part of me hopes that it is stinky and dirty to dispel all fantasies about buses, I hope it is the ride of her life!!!  (I never wanted my kid to ride the bus.  Doesn't schoolbus=troublemakers?  I hope she survives.)


  1. I hope you had a great Birthday! I'm sorry I didn't get to talk to you in person. We were thinking of you all day! We are having fun in French Lick, Indiana & Louisville, Kentucky. We have visited with many of Ray's relatives and seen a lot of the places he remembers from his childhood. We love you all and are glad you are safely in your new place. We will call you soon.
    Ray and Lisa

  2. We always made fun of the kids that didn't ride the bus. So now she's in excellent company :) Good luck getting settled!

  3. I rode the bus without any life changing, trouble making events. :) I'm glad you are all getting settled. I hope the move is a great one for you. Happy Birthday yesterday too. :)

  4. Can't wait to come see you in Ba-ginia...(I loved Rebecca's comment~her boys are so cute!) Kenda and I decided we don't need any men to come see you...we'll just go! So you never know when we may show up! Love to you ALL!!

  5. I was a bus-rider my whole life.... and look I turned out just fine. (Okay, bad example!) It is an adorable picture. She looks just like her mama.
