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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Under Construction

Since I am not decorating our temporary-living-space, I am going a little nut-so without the creative outlet.  Hence, the blog remodel.  

While I am posting, here is a thought from Miss Middle-ine:

"When I grow up, I want the boy I marry to give me a toe-ring."

In other bits of housekeeping, I would like to thank this fine institution for making its debut two weeks ago:

Good thing you are close enough but far enough.  And I would like Dallas to know that I REALLY REALLY like the potted hydrangeas.  A lot.

And while I am taking pictures of grocery bags, I must also include our other latest favorite:

Maple Syrup for Madeline.  Original for no one (until we HAVE to).  Apples and Cinnamon for Dionne.  Mixed Berry for Dallas.  Oats and Flax for Raleigh.  And whatever nobody finishes for Kensington.  Thank you, Costco.  (And Costco, if you were not here, we would've moved somewhere else.)


  1. Oh how I love Trader Joe's!!! It's right around the corner and I hardly let a day go by without a brief visit. It's next door to my gym and it has become a ritual for Hazel and I to go in there. We get a balloon, a kiddie sized cart and that day's sample....which almost always leads to a purchase. The other day they sampled this roast that they have in the frozen section. It's already cooked with carrots and potatoes, and whatever flavoring they have on it is DIVINE! I bought two of them for my fam's dinner the other night, and you just pop it in the microwave for 10 minutes and dinner is ready!! Everyone loved it. I could list so many things there that I am addicted to. And I happen to think their prices are amazing! I bought a huge bottled water for $.29 today. Lol.

  2. Dionne,
    I love the new blog. It's more you, I think. Great colors for realzzzzzzzz.
    And I wish I could visit you right now.
    Love, Rikki

  3. Rikki,
    Why don't you come? You, too, Lindsey.

  4. I love the new layout. It fits you... miss you.

  5. I have a friend that always brings me something from Trader Joe's when she visits her Grandma in Ohio. I've liked everything I've had from there. I wish I could be at the beach with you guys! I love the beach. There's nothing better.
