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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Goodbye, Virginia Beach . . .

Thank you for the memories.

For now we are enjoying the peaches and Southern hospitality. And hoping the grass is greener on the other side.

More to come.

It's been busy.


  1. I can't believe I didn't get to say goodbye to YOU! When Jason got home I asked him how the packing went and then we ate lunch. THEN I found out you guys were on the road. Virginia seems a little less sunny without your five smiles.

  2. Glad to hear you made it - keep us posted on your adventures and good luck finding what you need soon!

  3. What did I miss?! Are you living in Georgia now?!

  4. What? Now where are you going?

  5. We miss you soooooo much! Everyone here was in total shock when you didn't come to church on sunday. No one could believe you had to move soooo fast! I hope you made it there in one piece and your head aches didn't get too bad! You know my "motherly self" when it involves your head aches! ;) I miss you and I hope you are doing okay and ajusting! Keep in touch!

  6. you guys have adventure going on ALL the time. So fun. Your girls get more and more beautiful all the time :)

  7. Hey Dionne! This is Lauren. Can you email me an address where I could send you a birth announcement? lrandall79 at comcast dot net.

  8. we miss you guys tons!! i cant wait to hear what you guys are up to next! everything will work out amazing :) keep us posted. we love yoU!

  9. where are you guys???? what is going on? All of us here in UT are wondering what's up.

  10. D.P. Thanks so much for the cute umbrella- I got it today!! What a fun surprise! I LOVE it- me and pink polka dots go together like peas and carrots!! ha! Are you in GA? Want to come visit this weekend? I'm going to call your beautiful self soon honey child- Where is Dionne?

  11. whats going on in your lives??!! we miss you!
