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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Champ

What this blog needs is a good "I love Dallas" post.

And not just because Dallas has been holding down the fort while I've been battling pneumonia. (Of the walking variety. Although I've been doing more laying than walking.) He has been WRASTLING three (no, make that four) very demanding women the past week. When I married him, I thought, "He really is going to make such a great husband and father."

But wait.

Now we are here.

And he is such a great husband and father. I've never seen a more devoted dad. These girls are so lucky.

And I love you, Dallas.


  1. What a sweet post! Both of you are dedicated and devoted to each other and the girls. Life is not always easy, but it is easier when you have the love and support of your spouse. We love you all!

  2. We TOTALLY agree! Watching him from the kitchen window playing with the girls out in the yard, making sure they look beautiful for Thanksgiving dinner, and doting over his sick wife...and that's only one day! He IS WONDERFUL!

  3. Your Dallas is a GREAT, GREAT man!! Lucky you! And I'm sorry you have had pneumonia- I wish I could bring you some soup. Get well soon my friend!
