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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Don't Worry; We've Got 'Cha Covered

It's 9:07 a.m., and dinner is served!! Choobs and I are on a roll!

Just get out your Crock Pot, preheat your oven to 375 degrees, and follow these recipes:
Chicken Tortilla Soup recipe here. Just put in 4-5 frozen chicken breasts. No advance work necessary.

Grandmother's Buttermilk Cornbread here. (In this picture it's still cooking. It will raise beautifully and melt in your mouth! Don't forget your butter and honey . . .)

After you've put everything in the Crockpot and put the cornbread in the oven, wash and chop some romaine, and place it in the fridge over a paper towel or two. Now all you have to do before serving is chop some fresh bell peppers and tomatoes, toss in some feta or grated parmesan, add some olives, sunflower seeds, fresh broccoli, and Italian dressing, and you've got dinner! Oh, and you'll need strawberries and red grapes on the side.

Thank you, Georgia, for the summertime weather. I am loving this!


  1. It all sounds good. What else goes in the soup besides chicken? I like the new heading too.

  2. i love all pictures of the choobs. She is so cute.

    Oh, and I stalk your blog. Now you know.

    Cami Bready

  3. way to go super mom!!! another girl, how exciting!!! maybe you and Amanda Lewis could do an arranged marriage with the new comers and Dylan and Raleigh could re-connect, then we could ALL be related!! talk about one BIG family reunion!!
