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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

One Year Later: Miss Nancy's Last Ride

There she is, in all of her glory. Eighteen years later and off to the salvage shop. Named (if you're curious) after one of our favorite ladies of all time, Miss Nancy Abbott (who Raleigh is named for in a roundabout way).

In Virginia Beach last summer the repairman told us that she had about six (maybe twelve) more months of life in her. And he was absolutely right! We drove her til her dying day sometime back in March.

Sweet Miss Nancy.

To fully understand our love affair with Miss Nancy, please check out one of my all time favorite posts here. And as icing on that cake, please check out this other post here.


  1. I say "good bye" to Miss Nancy, may she rest in peace! What a great life of service she has lived. We will remember her fondly all the days of our lives.


    Ray & Lisa

  2. ahhhh that car has put in it's time from driving to bakersfield, to Provo to georgia to it may now rest in peace. we will miss the Matthew's van.....

  3. Poor Miss Nancy. She has SO many stories to tell! I totally started laughing when I read your old post about Miss Nancy. "Pristine ????.. " You are a great and humorous sport Dionne! You two are so sweet together. I also want to cry about Dallas' drive home and the rats.. dedicated.
    I do remember a wonderful trip to Cali with Miss Nancy close by. ... and I remember the cutest little streaking girl at a gas station... lol :)
    Miss you. Miss Nancy may you rest in peace! She just may have the opportunity of being in heaven with you all.. she has served you long! :)

  4. Your post long ago about Miss Nancy and the windshield wipers cracks me up to this day- among other exoeriences like the time the wheel fell off at Costco in Bakersfield??? Yes, Miss Nancy did her time- and has finally given up the ghost. (moment of silence) So- what is her replacement?
