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Thursday, September 2, 2010

The New Arrival

Raleigh, Madeline, and Kensington are thrilled to announce the arrival of their new baby sister!

Emery Rose Matthews
August 23, 2010
1:31 pm
7 lbs 3 oz
20 inches
Cute as a button, and lots of brown hair!

Welcome to the ZOO, Emery! . . .

We are in awe.


  1. Yay!!! Welcome precious girl! Congrats, Dionne! You're one amazing mama!

  2. Congrats! She is so cute. I loved your post - it was so cute and made me laugh.

  3. She is too CUTE! Yay! Welcome to the world! I can't wait to meet her one of these days in the future. Hopefully it can be sooner rather than later.

  4. Congratulations to the whole family! She is beautiful! We love you all!!!

  5. Congratulations! She is beautiful! I can't wait to meet her when I get back from Italy.

  6. How awesome, she is a cutie for sure, just like your other girls. So excited for your family. Hope things are going well.

  7. shes darling. congrats. i hope her hair stays dark.

  8. YAY- Emery Rose is so cute and such a cute name! I love it! Congratulations you guys- what a fun addition to the "girl" family!!! That home is going to be rockin' some major hormones one day! :) Much love and I hope you're doing well! Hopefully, I can meet her soon!

  9. Dionne,

    Your family is just so cute! I can't believe that she has brown hair! Thank you for the pictures- they are darling. We miss you and hope things at the zoo are fun!

  10. Congratulations Dionne! She is so beautiful and so lucky to be brought into such a wonderful family! Hope you get sleep when you can! ;)

  11. I have been checking your blog every day for weeks for an announcement! CONGRATS MATTHEWS! Emery is adorable - such beautiful dark hair! The world is a better place with another cute Matthews girl in it! I hope you are getting lots of sleep (ha!) and enjoying little Emery.

  12. I have been wondering about that!!! She is beautiful! Where did she get such dark hair??? She is so lucky to be a part of the Matthews ZOO! We miss you guys!

  13. Congratulations on another beautiful girl! I have been checking frequently to see if there was any news on her arrival. So glad to see she is here!

  14. Oh my Gosh Dionne... she is so absolutely beautiful and we are so thrilled for your sweet family!! Give her a hug from all of us and wish we could cuddle with her!
