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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Just Loving This Girl

Now don't tell me you couldn't just eat those dimpled knuckles and squish those big cheeks!

This picture was taken over a month ago, so she's a little bit little. (I put that last phrase in there for my own entertainment.) She loves her daddy!

Those wide eyes are pretty much a given when Choobies is around to love Emery to death. Choobies is dangerous around babies she loves. She absolutely smothers Emery, so we have to be careful!

Here's a special place to perch! Madeline loves to spend time with Emery every day after school. She likes to tote her around and include her in whatever she's doing . . .

Like, let's say . . . knitting. (Doesn't Emery look like a baby doll in this picture? Almost creepy?)

What kind of caption would you put on this picture? Isn't it hilarious though? What is she thinking in her mind during this photo shoot? I love it!


  1. Wow, she is gorgeous! Seriously! All of your babies were (and are) beautiful, but I really think she is just sooo gorgeous! She looks different than the other girls did as babies. And her eyelashes are lovely!

  2. I agree, they are all beautiful!! It is great that all the girls love to hold her and spend time with her. I see Madeline is still knitting.

  3. Oh my goodness could your girls be any cuter? Sooo adorable! I want to just squish Emery! So cute! Loved the quote in a previous post: what is a 1/4 of a taco plus a 1/4 of a taco? "A fight!" Loved that! Made me chuckle! Hope your cute family has a great Christmas! ♥

  4. "I am so embarrassed... I think I just pooped my pants. Oh yeah!"

  5. That other comment is from Nate, but mine is ... the picture with Dallas' reading to Emery looks alot like Kensington. You do have super cute girls!
