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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Emery These Days

Emery may very well be the most talkative of our bunch . . . if that is at all possible. I heard that the average woman says about 60,000 words a day. Our girls live up to and quite possibly surpass that statistic.

But this one . . . she is a talker. I cannot believe the things she says. Her first sentence was two weeks ago: "Bobo, where are you?" She picks up on tones, and she'll make this sing-song that sounds just like phrases we use all of the time.

And while I'm on this topic, let's talk about smarts. This girl's got brains. Maybe it has something to do with her grapefruit habit. She can eat an entire grapefruit in one sitting. After each bite, she says, "Mmm."

Or maybe it's her broccoli habit.
Her "bockey" makes her really smart. I just know it.

She will "help" me with the laundry because she knows what belongs to everyone. Down to the underwear. Today she picked up Kensington's Elmo underwear and said, "Choo Choo," so I rewarded her by putting it on her head as a hat with her pigtails sticking out of the leg-holes. And she thought it was awesome . . . but not long enough for me to take a picture.

She has discovered trash cans and opening doors. The other day we were searching high and low for Raleigh's "Lammy" that she couldn't find anywhere, and I had the dreaded feeling in my stomach that Emery trashed it. We've had some close calls with car keys and trash cans, and I just knew she threw Lammy away in the kitchen trash.

So we (Dallas) went dumpster diving in the garbage can outside, and luckily my intuition was wrong. But we did find this:
. . . which we (Dallas) promptly washed and scrubbed because it stunk so bad.

The other day she escaped out the front door with my car keys. She had discovered the mud puddles before I discovered her getaway.
Good thing I am bigger than her!

She grew out of her favorite pajamas. Luckily, she has more favorites.

She continues to love Jesus as evidenced by the way she spends her leisure time! And as you can see, I haven't been in any hurry to switch her to drinking out of a cup.

We'll get there.

We've got time.


  1. I am impressed that she will eat a whole grapefruit. I was 22 before I started eating grapefruit.

  2. I love those Matthews Girls.

  3. I love the pictures! She is adorable! We love all of you!!
