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Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Innate Nurturer

Kensington has a koala.
He is a little bear.
He sleeps in an Easter basket
Upon a reclining chair.

If you dare to shout and wake him
You'll ne'er hear a groan nor growl.
But Kensington, his mother dear 
Will raise a cry of foul.

For she has placed him neatly
Wrapped up in her "tankie,"
(At least that's what she calls
Her tattered old white blankie.)

She's left him there to slumber
For the remainder of the day
While she and her little "TEM-ery"
Have gone outside to play.

-Anonymous :)

P.S. - Kensington has an affinity for adding certain consonants to the beginning every word she says.  Last year it was the letter "P".  The past six months it's been "T".  She'll also do an "F".  This past week she's called me "Tommy" and Dallas "Faddy."  I like his name better.  :)


  1. Love it. And I love Dallas' nickname, too. :)

  2. So sweet! You have such darling girls!

  3. I just read your funny, cute and creative blog posts from this month. Sooo fun to get a glimpse of what goes on in your family's lives. We can't wait to get together!!
