Dallas made Madeline this awesome chocolate cake with double frosting and oreo topping. He also made her a chocolate cheesecake. (We call that "true love" at our house.) These are the only pictures we have at the moment because Dionne can't figure out how to put pictures from the desktop on this blogger-dealie. Raleigh helped Madeline blow out the candles because Madeline was suffering from stage fright. Raleigh couldn't get them out, though, so Madeline helped her.

Raleigh made this crown for Grandma La Rue back in July for her birthday, but she didn't get to give it to her until November on Madeline's birthday. She was so nice to wear it! Raleigh didn't waste any time "sharing" Madeline's new birthday dress-up, either!
We enjoyed celebrating Madellines birthday with her. We had a great time.