We do this every year . . . Santa flies to Provo in the KSL 5 helicopter. We sip a little hot chocolate, listen to music, freeze our buns off, and wait for the big event. This year we got smart and showed up an hour late instead of an hour early and got there right on time. Only this year he didn't shake every single kid's hand. Raleigh and Madeline arrived incognito as you can see by the first picture. We skipped the Kiddie Kandids shot and took our own pictures of Raleigh and Madeline's debut with the Big Guy. He had a real beard, so we think it was the real Santa. Raleigh asked him for Polly Pockets and Chap Stick. Not bad. Madeline asked him for the same thing, plus some "spawkly lip stick." Not bad, either.

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