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Friday, December 11, 2009

Wordle. Check it out.


  1. I like your combination of words and feeings. I hope everyone is feeling better and that you have a great week!

  2. bmwinfield said...

    Dionne it sounds like you guys have had a rough winter! I know how you feel (about the sickness part anyway, I am sorry you have had to move so many times I can't even imagine!) Last winter all 3 of my kids were REALLY sick with respiratory illnesses at the same time. Anyway I remember thinking about funerals too. Ben and I were so scared one of them might stop breathing that we slept on the floor in their room. Anyway, I hope you guys start feeling better soon and everyone pulls through okay! Are you guys in Georgia permanently now? Can you email me your address( I want to send you a card. Your girls are all so darling!
    Melanie Winfield
