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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Not So Super Tuesday

I had a doozy of a day today - one of those days where the unexpected happens, and it just doesn't match up with what you had in mind. Like when Kensington woke up with a fever today . . .

. . . and threw up in the car right as we drove into our parking spot to vote. We came back an hour later all fresh as a daisy with Emery nodding off to sleep in her car seat. I tried to keep her awake with all sorts of mean-mom tactics, but nothing worked. She slept through the entire voting process and then for another hour-and-a-half once we came home.

That was nice.

And I spent the rest of the afternoon taking apart the car seats and washing the covers, making dinner (which was not-so-good), randomly making strawberry jam (because strawberries were 79-cents-a-pint at ALDI), and other things I can't remember now.

One of those kinds of days.

I do remember taking these pictures of the girls doing homework in random places in the house:
The Storage Closet

The Shower (on top of a car seat, which was also up for a bath)

And now everyone is gone to Scouts, Activity Days, or off to sleep.

And I am enjoying the quiet.

1 comment:

  1. What a day! Thanks for taking the time to post about it! Happy Wednesday!
