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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Poofers and Doo Doo

I've said it before, and I will say it again, "A well-loved daughter has a thousand names."

Our girls are well-loved.

And Kensington has picked up my habit of using pet-names. She calls Raleigh "RaWa," Madeline she calls, "Matt-O" or "Madge," and Emery . . .

She calls Emery "Poofers" or "Poofie."

I don't know why. There are no origins to the name.

But I guess that's okay. Because Emery calls Kensington, "Doo Doo." It's her baby-fied way of saying, "Choo Choo," which is what I call Kensington.

Would anyone like to be enlightened on the evolution of the nicknames around here?

Kensington used to make a sound like this when she was a baby: "BRWAAAAH." Like a train engine. So I started calling her "Choo Choo." Of course, that evolved into Choobie, Choobers, Kensington Lou Choo, and all sorts of Chooberlicious names. Most people, adults and friends at school and church included, call her "Choobers." The best was when we first moved here, and I was registering the older girls for school, and I called across the room, "Choobers!" as she was running away from me, and two people looked at each other in disbelief, and one of them mouthed to the other, "Choobers?" My mom and I were laughing so hard we were crying. It was funny. And of course, there's Miss Erika over at Creekview Elementary who calls out "Choobers!" as soon as we'd walk in the door, and she would make Kensington her own tardy slips like this: "Chubbers." I never had the heart to correct the spelling. I mean, how can you really determine the spelling of a nickname like that? Would I be like, "Um, no, actually, it's spelled like this . . . "

Raleigh's first nickname was "Turtle" because of how she would stretch her fat little cheeks out from her neck. It was the cutest! One time we were having family prayer, and Dallas accidentally called her, "Crawleigh," which was actually pretty accurate since she was learning to crawl at the time. I busted out laughing, and teased him for a long time. I just do that. So her name evolved from Crawleigh to Kroggies to Krogs and then on to Miss Krogsworth and other names like that. It just fits.

Madeline is our Miss Murfle. Dallas wanted to give names to all of the girls' Little People in a train set that Aunt Trina gave us (before he knew they already had names.) He named the brown-hair-and-glasses girl "Miss Murfle." Madeline had this wild curly red hair, and our good friend and next-door neighbor Chris started calling Madeline "Miss Murfle." It was hilarious, and it stuck. She's also our Miss Middle Critter.

Emery began as "Sister Sue" because she was the new sister. That turned into Sue Sue for short. Don't you love nicknames for nicknames? Sue Sue became Shoo Shoo and then Sushi Pie. We still call her that sometimes, but the most recent is Moo Moo, which is short for Moo Cow, which is what I started calling her for awhile. I don't know why.

And now she is "Poofers" to Choobers.

Quick sort-of-related trivia . . .

What name did the kids use to make fun of Dallas when he was little?? (Those little meanies . . . ) I will tell you tomorrow!


  1. hahahaha!

    So... Henry we first called Rooster because we didn't think a shortened version of Henry (HEN) fit, because he's a boy. Right. So male chicken it was! I've always called him Bud or Buddy, but that evolved to Bubba, to BaBa (like baa baa black sheep). BaBa and Baby are the most common ones I call him.

    Kevin was always Kevin until I started calling him Keebing with a funny accent. That turned into Keebeen, to Keebs, to Beebs, to Beebers. Now anything could come out of my mouth. I've always called him Honey, which looks stupid typed out, but fits us. He calls me Honey too, and sometimes Hun, which I loooooove. Sometimes he calls me Reebs, just to make fun of me.

  2. Oh, I forgot two major nicknames... Kevin will call me these two names, only on special occasions. One is Missy Missy Pants. The other is Stinky Little Stinker McMuffin. hahaha! Remind me to tell you a funny story about the Missy Missy Pants one.

  3. So, tell me why Dr Seuss calls you "DeenerWeenskerBean."


  4. Really cute. I love nicknames, we use sister-sue at our house too :)
