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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Hein-ies Visit the Purds

We had a v-e-r-y special visitor come our way this past week. We could've smooshed and smooched those smooshy smoochy cheeks all day long! (Well, I could have).

We were lucky that Henry brought his parents to see us, too! We have sure missed them.

I love how Kevin is looking at Rikki in this one.

Emery has a new best friend. His name is "Bo Bo!"

Here she is telling everyone, "No no no no no," with her finger pointed. (Pardon Dallas. He is showing a little skin . . .)

Lil' Miss Personality.

We made and ate some great food together. We went thrifting.

My mom and Rikki got adventurous at the thrift store and tried on some clothing in public because they didn't want to wait in line. My dad, Choobers, and I created a little "privacy" for them with jackets we were holding up and a shopping cart. The whole time I reminded them that this was a great lesson in trust . . . and then when Rikki decided to try on a top (and not just bottoms), I inadvertently yelled out, "She's taking it ALL off!" and realized once again that there were shoppers walking by. They both found some great treasures.

We celebrated Kevin's upcoming grad-jee-A-shun from Law School with a little get-together. We ate some GREAT old-family-recipe meatballs and spaghetti from Kevin's mom, Dale. And then we played a rousing game of refrigerator tag in the backyard. That game is becoming a classic.

The way to play: One man stands in the middle of all of the bases and yells out a food. Everyone runs to a base of their choosing, depending upon how they feel about the food: "Love it," "Like it," "It's okay," "Never tried it," or "Hate it." Am I missing any? If you are "It," you can always get people out running a certain direction if you know how they feel about a food. Or better yet, you can do like Kevin did, and call out, "Boogers!" and send everyone in a whirlwind of indecision. Most of us chose, "Hate it, " except for Rikki who has "never tried it," and Laura Jane who "likes it." I think it was Kevin's finest moment of the evening! Wait! Was it Kevin who also called out dog food, and Rikki and I were on "Like it," and "It's okay," all by our lonesome? At least it's better than cat food! Hee hee - fun game.

But the BEST part of the evening for Kevin, I think, was opening a surprise gift: the brand new IPAD that just came out that day! My dad had gotten up at 5:00 am (as a favor for Rikki) to pick it for him . . . what a lucky grad-jee-ut!

Gadgets, gadgets, gadgets . . .

Happy Graduation, Kev!

Love, Your Crazy In-Laws (and Laura Jane)

P.S. - Gunnar, we loved talking to you, too! Thanks for calling us! You are one cute kid.


  1. Ahhhh! We loved visiting! You're cool. So's your family. We love you all!

  2. It was fun catching up on your bloggy blog blog!! I hope we can catch up soon! That waterfall braid was awesome and it's fun to see all the Purdy's growing up!
