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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Christmas Pictures Continued

Amid all the chaos and abundance of treasures on Christmas morning, Kensington's favorite finds were the ribbons and clementines.  And that rhymes.
I think I love clementines as much as she does.
Did I mention to anyone that I bought Dallas a tabletop fooseball set??  We love fooseball!!  And this was the best-kept Christmas secret because it was the biggest present under (behind) the tree, and he had no idea that it was coming.  He thought it was going to be a bookshelf.  ha ha  If anyone wants to come and play us, we will officially kick your trash- that's how good we are.  Just kidding.  Sort of.
Mama and the Choober-Luvs.

Dionne got a few different books this year (which always makes a great Christmas), and this one is from MOM.  

1 comment:

  1. It looks like everyone had a great time, and those memories will be cherished for years to come.

