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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Some Morning Quotes

Howzabout some family quotes for today?

I was slicing an apple for the girls to munch on, and I said, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."  Raleigh looked thoughtful and said, "Uh . . . Mom.  I don't think that's true because you have to go to the doctor for regular checkups."  

Yesterday, I knew Raleigh had a good quote coming when she sighed really loudly and said, "I miss 2008."  I was like, "Why, Raleigh?"  She said, "I miss 2008 because '8' is curvy, and I love curvy things."  I never would have guessed!

Oh, yeah!!  My mom called me last night, too, laughing hysterically, saying that she HAD to tell me what just happened.  She said that she had tried calling our house, and some guy answered the phone.  She was like, "Is this Dallas?"  And the guy was like, "No, this is Utah."  She was doing one of her usual late-night-laugh-so-hard-you-cry-and-then-cough-hard-and-sneeze-twice routines.  Or is it the other way around?  Anyway, it made my day!!  


  1. Oooooooooh boy! Those are hilarious!! Especially the phone call! And it is the way you said - laugh so hard, cry, cough, sneeze twice. Then the kids laugh at mom. :)

  2. So yeah, it just made me laugh AGAIN! I mean how often do I dial the wrong number it's still hilarious! Love Raleigh's quotes!

  3. Raleigh's comment about the regular checkups sounds like something Ray would have said when he was her age. They are all funny stories.

  4. Oh my gosh. That phone call story KILLS me. Did she laugh at the guy that said it!? I sure hope so.

    Raleigh is such a girl. I mean she sounds SO dramatic! I love it.

  5. That is hilarious!!!! Raleigh's quotes are the best- she's got your genes- so smart, talented, creative, & quite the thinker dinker!
