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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Pharmacy Follies

Miss Choobers has been sick all week with quite a fever, and after holding her non-stop for three days, I finally decided to take her in to see the doctor.  It turns out that she has (and I quote), "a really bad ear infection."  Poor kid.  She's been quite lethargic and feeling yucky.  So on the way home from the doctor, we stopped at the grocery store pharmacy to pick up her prescription.  The poor kid was feeling so terribly that she lay her head down ON the shopping cart handle with her arms dangling below her like she was dead or something for the duration of our shopping-trip.  It was really sad-looking.  We got a lot of pathetic looks from fellow-shoppers.  

So imagine a mother-of-three, standing in the pharmacy line (which was a little busy tonight), with this poor dead-kid in the front of the shopping cart.  I was chatting happily with the girls when Raleigh picked up a package of Keebler Fudge Stripe Cookies out of our buggy, started stroking it and said (to the cookies), "Okay, now.  Let's draw the fever down from the head."  Maybe it's because I haven't been out in several days, but I was laughing hysterically when the pharmacist came to the window to hand me our prescription.  Oh . . . that girl!  

In other great news, Kensington is now resting at home, peacefully in bed.  And Raleigh got to eat one of the cookies!


  1. I am laughing SO HARD right now!!! Man alive. Your girls are so funny!

  2. Your blog doesn't have it for some reason. Most of them have a word verification that you have to enter in order to leave a comment. You of those random assortments of letters partially concealed by a blurry rectangle. If you haven't ever seen one, it's a little hard to describe.

  3. OHHHHHhhh. Now I know what you're talking about! Thanks for the explanation. I'm a little slow.

  4. too cute, the sickies have been so rotten this winter!

  5. How sad!! I'm glad Kensington is feeling better!

  6. Oh, that poor little girl- your girls are so funny! I had a great time with you guys! Thanks for putting up with tyler bug and I all day! We had a great time!
